Hey folks!
Still we are too tired to really get into Blog-writing and taking photos, but I'll just give you a little update on what we are doing:
The time difference really takes its toll on us. We have been sitting and waiting in the plane and the airport for more than 24 hours yesterday. After that, we took a bus to our hostel - which is obviously opened all night, since we arrived at about 2am and even after us there were people checking in.
We are now living at the YHA hostel in Turner St, which is in the middle of the city.
Today, after having some 4 hours of sleep, we enjoyed an early morning shower (you can't imagine how ugly you feel after being squeezed into your plane seat for 22 hours).
Feeling clean and a little more alive again, we had a small breakfast and decided to go out into town to search for the travel office. Our Work&Travel organisation is called IEP. They take care of Working Travellers from all around the world, and offer loads of information about places to visit, working possibilities, how and where to buy a car, etc. So after a short stop for a coffee we spent most of the day on an introduction meeting in their office.
They helped us prepare all necessary forms to get an IRD (tax) number and a bank account and many great tips of what and what not to do.
The IRD number is already in process - we simply walked into the nearest post office, gave them the form, our passport and international driver's license, and that's it. It takes about two weeks until we get it - so we are planning to stay in or around Auckland until we have it.
When the meeting was done it was around 2pm - good time to have a look at the city you'd think, but again the jetlag was stronger - we still feel like German time, which means for us it felt like 2:00 in the middle of the night.
We managed to get to the supermarket and have a little instant-chinese-noodles-and-nutella-toast lunch (I'm already missing German bread - hopefully we will find a store that sellls something similar.) before we fell into bed, exhausted again.
Now it's around eight pm local time and we are struggling to stay awake. we have a nice hang out area here in the hostel with a lot of inspirational stuff on what to do. For now, we are planning to spend a calm weekend and concentrating on finding a car or van to buy. There are a few car markets going on, but we've been warned to be careful with them. Especially the backpackers market is known for ridiculously high prices and very offensive, even aggressive sellers. We hope to buy a car privately from a backpacker who is leaving - we already saw some notices on the black board. Wish us luck that we find a good, cheap one :)
So that's all for today - you'll hear from us soon!